Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Illegal Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in the...
Illegal Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in the Olympics Since the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece, athletes have struggled to find a way to gain the competitive edge. Early rituals included consuming wine and brandy before an event, eating potent mushrooms, and even concocting magic potions thought to give the athlete improved performance ability (Phillips, 2000, p.53). A constant battle has been fought as the International Olympic Committee struggles to keep drug testing up-to-date and effective. We have come to associate drug use with a few famous names of fallen heroes, such as Ben Johnson and the most recent, C.J. Hunter, but few people realize just how widespread drug use is in Olympic sports and how small a†¦show more content†¦Swimmers and athletes of track and field are inherently more reliant on their physique than any ball-player (Economist, 1998, p.10). The athletes of track and field are competing as individuals, compared to an entire team. Their flaws and faults are more obvious and prevalent than if they we re part of a team and had other athletes around them to help them. Yes, track and field can be considered a team-oriented sport, since everyone is part of a team. But the competition itself is based upon the individual, and that is why many athletes feel the pressure to use any method possible to help them gain a competitive edge. But my thought is that no matter what the competition is, or whom you are competing against, there is no need to use chemicals to increase your athletic performance. I also feel as though many of the athletes in track and field use performance- enhancing drugs because they feel pressured into it. There is an ever-increasing amount of athletes in track and field who use performance-enhancing drugs, so many athletes feel compelled to taking them. They probably feel as though if they are working and training as hard as they can, and there are other athletes out there who are also working just as intensely, plus taking chemicals to give them added strength and endurance, then those athletes will have the competitive edge. It reminds me of Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest. Those who are the most fit, or in other words, those who are stronger,Show MoreRelatedPerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Legal1039 Words  | 5 PagesIllegal performance enhancing drugs should remain illegal they truly shatter the idea that hard work pays off, performance enhancing drugs are for cheaters, and cheaters never prosper. Performance enhancing drugs are far too easily accepted and used. Performance enhancing drugs are more prevalent, needed, and dated than many know. Athletes do not feel ashamed or the need to hide their use of performance enhancing drugs. 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The penalty for using performance enhancing drugs should be stricter because it can cause health risks, it’s cheating, an it’s legally, and world class athletes use it and still get away with it. The government should banned drugs so no any athlete shouldn’tRead MorePed in Sports1082 Words  | 5 PagesI Introduction Performance-Enhancing Drugs, various substances, chemical agents, or procedures designed to provide an advantage in athletic performance. Performance-enhancing drugs affect the body in different ways, such as enlarging muscles or increasing the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity. Despite these apparent benefits, the use of such drugs is considered both competitively unethical and medically dangerous. 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Anabolic steroid in short provide the human body a much grander potential to build muscle by helping the cells within the body produce more muscle fibers at an astonishing rate that could never be achieved naturally. ManyRead MoreShould Athletes Be Suspended Because Of Illegal Acts?1137 Words  | 5 PagesShould athletes be suspended because of illegal acts? Suspension’s in sports are very controversial in the sports and news world. It’s almost like there is a athlete each month who was convicted for homicide, taking performance enhancing drugs, or DUI and DWI. And this continues to happen in the sports community. Leagues such as the NBA, NFL, MLB take this into vigorous consideration. But that doesn’t stop an athlete from injuring others and themselves. This is why suspensions need to occur more
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Baroque Period through the Romantic Age Free Essays
Art not only serve as a tool for visual appreciation, but is oftentimes referred to as the mirror of the society. It’s because art effectively conveys or reflects what is happening in a certain society, at a certain period of time. With this, we see art not only as entertainment, but also as social critique. We will write a custom essay sample on Baroque Period through the Romantic Age or any similar topic only for you Order Now In viewing art, we go deeper than the colors, lines, and shapes that we see. We read between the lines, and look at art in relation to the time and society it was conceived. By doing so, we are able to build a deeper understanding of how and why a specific artwork is created. Indeed, social, political, and economic conditions are able to shape and alter the nature of meaning of art. In order to further understand how art’s nature and meaning are altered by the abovementioned factors, we can specifically look at a certain era in art and scrutinize some of its details. First, we can consider the neoclassical era. Neoclassicism was prevalent during the 18th and 19th century. It was based on Ancient Greek or Roman classics, with high standards on the artwork’s subject, design, and a lot more. We can see that this is the time of abundance, wherein artists follow high standards clearly. Some of the works reflect a time of oppression, of the need to follow the rules and conventions not only in the art but also in the society. This is the time when there were ruling kings and other tyrants, who dictate everyone to conform to the standards and repercussions that he want. No one is above the ruling authority, so the society indeed has to follow. This is reflected in the works of art at this time, one good example is David’s Oath of the Horatii (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File:David-Oath_of_the_Horatii-1784. jpg). Instead of using bright, pastel colors, it uses sharp ones which exude sophistication and clarity in the works. The subject are well-made, life like figures of Roman soldiers and other men. Romanticism is another era in art that we could consider in order to see how it is affected by social, political, and economic factors. This began during the second half of the 18th century, wherein there is a complex artistic, literary, and intellectual movement. It was also prevalent during the Industrial Revolution. Works of art at these times were considered to revolt against the social and political norms of the ruling aristocrats, as well as the rationalization of nature by science. The works of art in this era exudes strong emotions, giving the viewers a great aesthetic experience. It appeals on emotions like horror and awe, with the use of vibrant colors, unique themes, and creative styles. This era reflects a changing society, moving from the aristocratic rule towards freedom of expression. It does not conform to any rules of design; instead its strong appeal to the emotion is what sets it apart from other eras. A great example of this is Eugene Delacroix’ Liberty Leading the People which commemorate the toppling down of a prominent political figure during the French Revolution (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Liberty_Leading_the_People). The liberation from the ruling aristocrat inspired the creation of this work, and it exudes great emotion in its subject, a half naked woman leading the people forward, walking past the bodies of the fallen during the war. Another example is Francisco Goya’s The Third of May 1808, wherein he depicts the oppression during the reign of Napoleon I, commemorating the Spanish resistance to the invading French ruler (http://eeweems. com/goya/3rd_of_may. html). How to cite Baroque Period through the Romantic Age, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Sustainability Leadership Programs in Education †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Sustainability Leadership Programs in Education. Answer: Introduction: Leadership is of different style it is all about leading people, organization, or leading your own self. One must lead his own self for betterment but lack of self-awareness cause the diminished self-leadership. The ability of being influential will harm by this diminishing effect, it clears that lacking of self-awareness will diminish persons ability to lead himself. Self-awareness to focus on your Strength We can easily discover our strength by paying full attention to work. In order to discover strength, peoples must analyze when they feel more energetic. Discovering your strength basically enhanced leadership qualities. We can easily sharp our strength by focusing on interpersonal and communication skills. Focusing on strengths able an individual to understand that how passion, spiritual gifts, skills and personality work together in shaping their personality (Kerns, 2017). Discovering weakness builds humility, this basically helps to understand which sort of projects a persons must avoid. A person can recognize his weakness by interacting with family, friends and co-workers. By sharing your experience with others and asking them what they should by putting themselves in those scenarios, this basically clarify the other perceives weaknesses. Identifying major weakness is influential for person to demonstrate best abilities (Larsson, 2016). Self-awareness to focus on your Dark-Side Self-leadership enables person to deal with his dark sides that effect abilities of leadership management. This step of dealing with dark side requires a multi-pronged approach. This approach helps to: Understand dark side of yourself that effect leadership abilities Examine growth regularly by setting up accountability with partners Try to share about your dark side with family and friends. The worst part of self-awareness is to understand about your dark side. There is a need to work on your darker side. This can be possible by picking up an effective strategy in order to shine in dark places of leadership (Neck, 2016). Self-awareness to focus on your Emotional Triggers The level of anxiety in an individual is the reflection that reflects anxiety in other as well. It is important to focus on situations that trigger anxiety. Some situation may incudes: A well-developed action plan cannot be followed during meetings One might be working with person who demonstrate less competent than person There is no fun related thing seen around the corner of long day But knowing about your emotional triggers management can enables person to develop such strategies to keep calm in panic situations. Try to be a less anxious person even in the stressful situations (Shribeg, 2016). Hence the self-awareness growth is critical to ones own growth of leadership. These demonstrate an essential change in others as well. Dont stagnate yours influential side because of lack of self-knowledge. References Kerns (2017). Leader Personality at Work: A Key Individual Difference Domain.International Leadership management Journal,9(1). Larsson, (2016). Self-leadership in managerial work: the case of middle managers. Neck (2016).Self-leadership: The definitive guide to personal excellence. SAGE Publications. Shriberg, M. (2016). Sustainability leadership programs in higher education: alumni outcomes and impacts.Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences,6(2), 360-370.
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